Fasica is connective tissue that connects every muscle, bone, nerve, blood vessel, and internal organs. In the normal healthy state the fascia is relaxed and soft. It has the ability to stretch and move without restriction. When you experience physical trauma or inflammation the fascia loses its pliability. It can become tight, restricted and a source of tension throughout the rest of the body. Trauma such as a fall, whiplash, surgery or habitual poor posture has a cumulative effect over time.
Anatomy Trains website describes the role of fascia.
“Fascia is the biological fabric that holds us together, the connective tissue network. You are about 70 trillion cells – neurons, muscle cells, epithelia – all humming in relative harmony; fascia is the 3-D spider web of fibrous, gluey, and wet proteins that binds them all together in their proper placement.
Our biomechanical regulatory system is highly complex and under-studied – though new research is filling in the gap. Understanding fascia is essential to the dance between stability and movement – crucial in high performance, central in recovery from injury and disability, and ever-present in our daily life from our embryological beginnings to the last breath we take.”
Anatomy Trains is a map of the myofascial trains within the body. Every muscle and structure in the body is enveloped and joined by an interconnected tissue network. Imagine different train lines along the body. This map of the body provides a guideline in seeing patterns in the body as a whole. Learning to understand the body this way can lead to easing pain and tension. However the benefits goes further in improving dynamic movement, agility and stability.
Watch Tom Myer talk about Anatomy Trains. Please note the clip contains images of cadavers for sensitive viewers.
This is by no means the only way of viewing the mind and body but it does offer a more three-dimensional understanding of myofascial anatomy, movement patterns and sensory qualities.The Myofascial meridians are so much more than lines within the body. How our body moves reflects the way you feel and act.
​Since attending the course, Anatomy Trains in Motion by Art of Motion, it has transformed Paola’s workshops, Pilates and Yoga. Integrating this concept has given Paola a new dimension into working with our amazing body.
Want to learn more? Here are resources to explore.