Paola has begun recording her live virtual Pilates & Slings weekly Thursday class for you to enjoy at your leisure. Each week, Paola is uploading her last class for you to rent. Rentals last 1 week. Click on the video below to rent the class and enjoy!
1.1.Pilates & Slings Class Replay 18 June 2020
This class a live recorded class running weekly every Thursday online from 9-10am AEST.
This class is the beginning of the new 5 week cycle 18 June - 16 July 2020.
Optional props:
1. soft massage ball (Slings Massage ball or Easy Grip Franklin Ball)
2. Yoga block.
This class seems more yoga inspired than Pilates based. However as the weeks progress you'll understand the intention behind the class as elasticity and rhythm are encouraged within the movement sequence. Over time, this sequence may enhance the 'spring in your step' off the mat.
1.2. Pilates & Slings Class Replay 25 June 2020
This class a live recorded class running weekly every Thursday online from 9-10am AEST.
This class is the beginning of the new 5 week cycle 18 June - 16 July 2020.
Optional props:
1. soft massage ball (Slings Massage ball or Easy Grip Franklin Ball)
2. Yoga block.
This class builds on from last weeks class. If you haven't done 1.1 Pilates & Slings, don't worry! Just give it a go. As the weeks progress you'll understand the intention behind the class as elasticity and rhythm are encouraged within the movement sequence. Over time, this sequence may enhance the 'spring in your step' off the mat.